Friday, February 24, 2012

Keep fields together in table control

I have a table that display large amounts of text in some fields. The table only has two columns (Field Name and Field Data). If the Field data is too large to fit on the same page as the field above it, it pushes to the next page, and then starts printing at the top of that page (the next page down).

I tried setting the "Keep Together" property of the table = True, but this was of no use.

Has anyone found a way to work around this, and if so could you let me know what you had to do. It may just be a SQL Server default setting that cannot be changed. I just want to research all possibilities before reporting back to the users.

Thank you,


I wish I could share a screen shot of one of my reports.

The first record contains a lot of data. So on the first page all the prints is the Page Header and the Column heads.

Then the second page prints the data. At this rate, SQL Reporting Services is not even a useful tool for even simple reports, if there is not a work around for this (which I have not found playing with the reports).

Very disappointing.


I am having the same problem. The problem lies with the fact that pagination occurs at the end of the report creation process, long after the data is grouped together.

This is not pretty, but I found the following work-around:


TQ|||I'm having a little trouble find the reference to the proposed solution at the link provided. Could you help me locate your proposed solution for implementing a keep together feature for the table control? thanx b|||

The only solution to this problem is to repeat the headers on each page and I hope it is in the wish list of next release.


|||I understand your frustration TJ, I have the same problem but have not been able to find a workable solution... it seems like such a basic thing.

Bumping this in hopes of a better answer.

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