Friday, March 30, 2012

knowledge about SQL Server Express

I don't have any knowledge about SQL Server at all... I wanna know:

1. What is SQL Server?
2. Have SQL Server something to do with databases and Microsoft Access to do?
3. What is the link between Visual C++ Express Edition and SQL Server Express Edition?
4. Where on the web can I learn (tutorials) how to use SQL Server Express Edition?

1. What is SQL Server?

SQL Server is a DataBaseManagementSystem used to store and manipulate data.

2. Have SQL Server something to do with databases and Microsoft Access to do?

SQL Server and Access are both DBMS. SQL Server is just a much or advanced DBMS.

3. What is the link between Visual C++ Express Edition and SQL Server Express Edition?

No direct link, except that u can use Visual C++ Express to connect to SQL Server Expess for data manipulation. Both are free to download on MS site.

4. Where on the web can I learn (tutorials) how to use SQL Server Express Edition?

|||Thank you very much for your helpful information!

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