Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Keep TableRow Together

I have a table with 3 tablerows. This 3 tablerows needs to stay together on the same page for each record. Sometime, a function set the Hidden property of one of this tablerow to true, so I cannot just fit the table to get a multiple number of 3.

I use visual studio 2003 to create this rdl.



Can you restructure your report to have a single table row with a rectangle containing the current three rows of data? By default, SSRS has an implicit keeptogether that attempts to keep containers together when rendering them to a paged format. You can also see books on line for additional pointers:

"Rendering Considerations for Automatic Sizing and Positioning"



I will try and i'll let you know!




Hey Marco,

Did you fix your problem? I have an identical one and I would like to know if you could solved. Please share your solution with me, it will be very much appreciated.

Ioan Cozma


I'll test that tonight or tomorow. Si I will notice you as soon as possible.

Best regards,




Sorry to be long...

So, it don't resolve completly my problem. For now, all lines are grouped, so this part is ok.

I have 5 lines, each have "Can decrease to accommodate contents" checked. So when Hidden property is set to True, there is no blank line.

But, the tablerow seem to have a static Height and no "Can decrease to accommodate contents". What could I do to get one or to simulate one?




Have you thought about using a list rather than a table? The table and matrix controls are just specalized forms of lists. A list would give you the ability to do what you want. I have confirmed that by aligning text boxes to the top of the list and others below, the resulting report will not skip lines for hidden text boxes. Make sure to align the left and right edges as if the text boxes were within a table.


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