Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Keepin my windows open in Management Studio

It's a wonderful convenience for me to open up a Mgmt Studio project and have all the windows come up that I had when I closed it. I tried saving everything as a project before I closed. This morning, the desired result happened when I opened Mgmt Studio and opened the project: all my windows were open just like I left! It was wonderful! So I worked, saved the project before I closed out again. When I reopened later, the windows didn't come up again.

Can anyone give me advice on a step I may be missing? Since it happened once, I know it can be done. Smile

Btw, I have upgraded my client tools to SP2.

Thanks in advance!

You can create your own shortcut for SSMS and add whatever additional arguments you choose based on the command line options for sqlwb.exe. You can look up the options in books online under the topic sqlwb utility. Or the online version of this help topic is at:



Thank you for your response. However, I cannot find any switch to remember which windows I had open at the time of closing. I was hoping to find something to how VS operates in that everytime I open it, it opens exactly the way I left it.


Not it doesnt unless it crashes and manages to recover the files which were open. Please fell free to post a suggestions on the site.

Jens K. Suessmeyer


Thank you for the response. It's not the answer that I wanted, but it is the answer. Smile

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