Monday, March 26, 2012

Killer Union

I have two queries joined with a union, one query by itself takes 34ms to
complete and the other runs by itself in 340ms but when they are joined by
the union (or a union all) the combined query takes an incredible one minute
and 15 seconds. Why does the union com with such an incredible cost?
The query is:
U.[Name] COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS as UserID
,U.LastName COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS + ', ' + U.FirstName
COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS + ' ' + U.MiddleName COLLATE
SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS + ' (' + P.PartnerName COLLATE
SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS + ')' as UserName
from Team..Users U with (nolock)
Left Join vwTeamPartners P with (nolock) on U.ID = P.UserID
where P.UserID is not null and Len(U.Name) = 6 and Len(U.FirstName) > 0 and
Len(U.LastName) > 0 and Lower(Substring(U.Name,1,1)) ='v' and
union all
Case Len(E.EmplID)
When 6 then E.EmplID
When 5 then 'C' + E.Emplid
else null
end as UserID
,E.Full_Name + ' (' + E.DeptID + ')' as UserName
from vwPS_Employees E with (nolock)
left join vwTeamUsers T with (nolock) on
Case Len(E.EmplID)
When 6 then E.EmplID
When 5 then 'C' + E.EmplID
end = T.[Name] collate database_default
where E.Empl_Status in('A','P','L','S') and E.DeptID <> '000' and
Len(E.EmplID) in (5,6) and T.[ID] is not null
Order by UserName
We are not really going to be able to tell why, unless we can see the view
statements, structure of base tables, query plans, etc. I do have a couple
of questions though... why all the collate clauses? Why not let the front
end deal with parentheses, concatenation, etc.? Why left join with
vwTeamPartners and then make it an inner join by including it in the where
clause? Why left join with vwTeamUsers and then make it an inner join by
including it in the where clause?
"Roy Sinclair" <> wrote in message
>I have two queries joined with a union, one query by itself takes 34ms to
> complete and the other runs by itself in 340ms but when they are joined
> by
> the union (or a union all) the combined query takes an incredible one
> minute
> and 15 seconds. Why does the union com with such an incredible cost?
> The query is:
> select
> U.[Name] COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS as UserID
> ,U.LastName COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS + ', ' + U.FirstName
> COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS + ' ' + U.MiddleName COLLATE
> SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS + ' (' + P.PartnerName COLLATE
> SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS + ')' as UserName
> from Team..Users U with (nolock)
> Left Join vwTeamPartners P with (nolock) on U.ID = P.UserID
> where P.UserID is not null and Len(U.Name) = 6 and Len(U.FirstName) > 0
> and
> Len(U.LastName) > 0 and Lower(Substring(U.Name,1,1)) ='v' and
> IsNumeric(Substring(U.Name,2,5))=1
> union all
> select
> Case Len(E.EmplID)
> When 6 then E.EmplID
> When 5 then 'C' + E.Emplid
> else null
> end as UserID
> ,E.Full_Name + ' (' + E.DeptID + ')' as UserName
> from vwPS_Employees E with (nolock)
> left join vwTeamUsers T with (nolock) on
> Case Len(E.EmplID)
> When 6 then E.EmplID
> When 5 then 'C' + E.EmplID
> end = T.[Name] collate database_default
> where E.Empl_Status in('A','P','L','S') and E.DeptID <> '000' and
> Len(E.EmplID) in (5,6) and T.[ID] is not null
> Order by UserName
|||UNIONS and anything but Inner joins are always expensive.
There is alwasy a better way to do it, as long as you are using stored
procedures as the method of access.
If you are not, then you have bigger problems
The biggest issue is that both selects have to complete in entirity before
the union can begin.
Things I noticed about your Query:
Your Collates are in series in the same column of the select.
Only the last one would count, and it is the default for SQL.
They should be omitted.
The only time Collate is normally seen is when you have different
collations in the return from multiple linked servers.
Performance Hit 2 )
always specify the schema, Database..Table Only works if the only schema
is dbo.
It forces QA to check the sys.objects table for table ownership and
Your using a case statment in a join ?
Your Joining to Views, I bet they are well written as this one.
Did you put indexes on your views.
If we are Left joining P but P.userid can't be null, THAT's AN Inner
I understand now this is an example of how to get a 3 minute execution on
2 tables with 2 rows of data each.
Hire A DBA
U.[Name] as UserID
, U.LastName + ', ' + U.FirstName + ' ' + U.MiddleName + ' (' +
P.PartnerName + ')' as UserName
Team..Users U with (nolock)
Left Join vwTeamPartners P with (nolock) on U.ID = P.UserID
P.UserID is not null
and Len(U.Name) = 6
and Len(U.FirstName) = 0
and Len(U.LastName)=0
and Lower(Substring(U.Name,1,1)) ='v'
and IsNumeric(Substring(U.Name,2,5))=1
Case Len(E.EmplID)
When 6 then E.EmplID
When 5 then 'C' + E.Emplid
else null
end as UserID
,E.Full_Name + ' (' + E.DeptID + ')' as UserName
vwPS_Employees E with (nolock)
left join vwTeamUsers T with (nolock) on
Case Len(E.EmplID)
When 6 then E.EmplID
When 5 then 'C' + E.EmplID
end = T.[Name]
E.Empl_Status in('A','P','L','S')
and E.DeptID < '000'
and Len(E.EmplID) in (5,6)
and T.[ID] is not null
Order by
"Aaron Bertrand [SQL Server MVP]" <ten.xoc@.dnartreb.noraa> wrote in message
> We are not really going to be able to tell why, unless we can see the view
> statements, structure of base tables, query plans, etc. I do have a
> couple of questions though... why all the collate clauses? Why not let
> the front end deal with parentheses, concatenation, etc.? Why left join
> with vwTeamPartners and then make it an inner join by including it in the
> where clause? Why left join with vwTeamUsers and then make it an inner
> join by including it in the where clause?
> "Roy Sinclair" <> wrote in message

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